#3.5 Rick Steves wants to turn you on to European art

This week, we're delighted to welcome American travel guru Rick Steves back to the show. Rick is a radio host, the owner of a tour company, and the author of dozens of guidebooks, but he considers his latest project -- a six-episode TV series about European art -- to be his "opus magnum." 

In this episode, Rick describes how we can all have more rewarding travel experiences by taking some time to learn about the art of the places we visit. He also talks about what he learned while filming the series and shares some of his favorite stories of personal encounters with art in Europe. 

Thanks so much for listening! 

Links and things

Stream Rick's six-episode series, Art of Europe, for free: ricksteves.com/watch-read-listen/video/tv-show/art

Sam Anderson's NYT Magazine profile of Rick: https://nyti.ms/37Se3i7

Paige's Q&A with Rick for the NYT (unlocked link): https://nyti.ms/3UaUqdI

More about Rick and his work: ricksteves.com

Listen to Rick's first appearance on The Better Travel Podcast: https://apple.co/3FuXqxu


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