#3.4 Can tourism sustain village life in India?

This week, we explore one of the most powerful potential benefits of tourism: bringing jobs and income into rural communities. 

Our guest is Manisha Pande, the co-founder and managing director of Village Ways, an Indian tour company that was set up with the specific aim of helping villages benefit from the tourism that was already coming to their regions -- but that wasn't (yet!) doing any good for their communities. 

In this episode, you'll learn: 

  • What it's like to be hosted by a village in Kerala, on India's southern coast

  • How tourist visits are directly supporting jobs and bringing income to the villages

  • How Village Ways created a model that allows local committees to determine how tourists experience their communities

  • Why the concept of Responsible Tourism is gaining momentum in India, and around the world

Thank you so much for listening!

Links and things

Sign up for Paige's newsletter:

The Village Ways website: villageways.com

Village Ways on Instagram: instagram.com/villageways

The Responsible Tourism Partnership: responsibletourismpartnership.org

Dr. Harold Goodwin, head of the Responsible Tourism Partnership: haroldgoodwin.info


#3.5 Rick Steves wants to turn you on to European art


#3.3 A new era for tourism in Palestine