#3.11 How travelers can invest in the atmosphere
How do you think about the climate impact of travel? For a lot of people, this is a complex question — both technically and emotionally.
Our guest this week, Christina Beckmann, is here to help us navigate this topic. Christina is the co-founder of Tomorrow’s Air, a collective of travelers who are investing in the scale-up of carbon removal from the atmosphere. Christina talks about how technologies like direct air capture are evolving, and shares how individuals can help support a long-term shift toward a healthier climate.
Links and things
Tomorrow’s Air website: www.tomorrowsair.com
Tomorrow’s Air on Instagram: www.instagram.com/tomorrowsair_
Tomorrow’s Air on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/tomorrows-air
Christina Beckmann’s website: www.christinabeckmann.com
Paige’s NYT article on aviation and climate change: bit.ly/3HgSigX (unlocked link)
Some extra info from Christina
As Christina mentions in the episode, Climeworks is one of the companies that Tomorrow’s Air supports. Climeworks’s direct air capture service has become so popular that most of the company’s carbon credits have now been spoken for. Because of Tomorrow’s Air’s early commitment to Climeworks, it represents one of only a very few channels that allow individual travelers to invest in direct air capture carbon removal with permanent storage. Tomorrow's Air also invests in Pacific Biochar, a company that produces a type of high-carbon residue that, when inserted into the soil, stores the carbon underground, where it does not contribute to global warming.